Freedom Caucus goes ‘Greene’ with Envy
Georgia firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene is being unfairly targeted by people who should know better.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Republicans in Congress are circling the wagons and shooting inward once again. This time the target seems to be Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene whose conservative credentials have earned her a very devout following—and with it an unlikely alliance of enemies.
Once the Georgia congresswoman took office, it didn’t take long for CNN’s KFile to swing into action and ‘discover’ all the horrible things she had ever said.1 It’s a predictable playbook for the beleaguered network’s most scurrilous group of little bloggers (see #cnnblackmail) who make a habit out of going after conservative Republicans.2
The orchestrated hit job provided all the ammo Nancy Pelosi needed to break protocol and remove Greene from her committee assignments. It was a brazen move usurping the power of respective party leaders and their steering committees to appoint committee assignments.3
It would come back to haunt a trio of left-wing Democrats whose CNN-driven anti-Trump conspiracies were disproven time and again.4 No matter, at the time of Pelosi’s unprecedented power grab, Greene was in the political wilderness.
But minority leader Kevin McCarthy refused to throw her under the bus and she later backed him for Speaker. For that, Greene has never been forgiven by her fellow House Freedom Caucus (HFC) members and last week they booted her from the group.5
This is nuts.