
Paid episode

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Gun Control Folly

The more laws they pass the sillier it looks.

At some point when someone shows absolutely no interest in getting to the bottom of a problem, say crime and gun violence, you simply have to assume there’s a pretty ugly ulterior motive.

Indeed, there is.

The constant retort to ‘banning assault weapons’ by the same politicians who unleashed an epidemic of crime betrays a willingness to exploit mass shootings for political gain. So naturally, Joe Biden travels to California this week and issues an executive order redefining who’s subject to background checks.1

It’s all window dressing because Monterey Park is already home to some of the strictest anti-gun laws in the nation—exactly the ones Biden was blabbing about.2 But it does provide cover for the knee-jerk refusal to do anything that might actually stop the carnage or get to the root causes of societal decay.

Anyone who thinks unstable murderers will be deterred by another gun law when they are already willing to break the most inviolate simply isn’t serious about much of anything. Except having Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety or the Potemkin Moms Demand Action help elect Democrats.3

It’s all become so cynical that Bloomberg’s The Trace, a goto source for sympathetic mainstream media outlets, is more interested in going after 2nd Amendment (2A) defenders, such as Dr. John Lott, than it is in holding the violent perps accountable.4

Did I mention ulterior motive?

There is a disturbing juxtaposition between the George Soros-led pro-crime agenda and the anti-2A proposals put forth by Democrats in response to gun violence.5 Deconstructing the West (which is the anarchist aim we’re dealing with here) begins with chaos in the streets. You’re not going to get there with peace and tranquility.

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