The Agenda That Dare Not Speak Its Name
One of the most wealthy, powerful and radical lobbies targets children.
The nation may have been shocked last week when Minnesota officials agreed to half-a-million dollars in ‘damages’ and the transfer of a male inmate to a female corrections facility based on the prisoner’s gender identity.1
But it shouldn’t have been.
Identity politics has led the way in the Northstar State’s lightning-fast lurch to the left since its leaders were taken hostage by the George Floyd riots. Now, the massive amounts of donor and corporate money that jumpstarted the ‘marriage equality’ movement has been transferred to a toxic transgender ideology aimed at children.
Indeed, LGBTQ+ is now a movement whose arrogance and power is such that it controls modern sensibilities the way Humpty Dumpty controlled language—“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”2
It wasn’t that long ago when certain words were considered derogatory and offensive. Now, Comcast markets their ‘queer’ programming on Peacock during Pride Month. They get a pass, as does Target and Bud Light. The ‘rainbow washing’ has engulfed every big business boardroom. And it has nothing to do with being free to love who or what you want.
It’s about conformity.
In the rush towards dystopia, no one wants to admit it for fear of condemnation, but redefining the meaning of words in the gay marriage debate started us down a very slippery slope. Once ‘marriage’ and ‘family’ took on a new meaning, doing the same for gender was inevitable.
But biology, as inconvenient as it may be, is immutable. And so is language. The assault on the former started with the latter.