The Greta Thunberg Generation
Who’s to blame for a ‘woke’ mob that discovered virtue in temper tantrums?
No one knows how much the earth is warming, how long it has or what the cause of climate change really is. But heat waves, droughts and hurricanes are not more common; ice sheets and sea levels have been rising since the last Ice Age; the great Galveston Storm of 1900 remains the deadliest and no nation has been “wiped off the face of the Earth by…the year 2000.”1
If all of that triggers you, welcome to the Greta Thunberg generation.
Halloween was once again quite cold and I could spend a year debunking global warming hysteria with concrete data far beyond the mere circumstantial.2 In fact, a study just released by two government statisticians in Norway (whose climate change agenda is predictably ambitious) was unusually candid.3
“Temperature reconstructions indicate that there is a ‘warming’ trend that seems to have been going on for as long as approximately 400 years,” the Norwegian agency reports, “Prior to the last 250 years or so, such a trend could only be due to natural causes.”4
But this edition of Jason’s Newsletter isn’t about climate legerdemain anymore than it is about the agenda behind all the COVID deceptions.5 It’s about something much worse—a form of ‘mass psychosis’ that has taken away any sense of intellectual curiosity and independence from an entire generation.
I first noticed the disturbing trend among the most ‘childish of adults’ in Indivisible (“Don’t give up the mic until you’re satisfied with the answer.”) groups intent on disrupting congressional town halls, including mine.6
Lead with emotion, scream and wail, lecture don’t listen, use a lot of profanity and never, ever let facts get in the way. As Ronald Reagan use to say, the trouble is “not that they're ignorant; it's that so much they know isn't so.”7