“I am very pessimistic about the future of the country—we are certainly being dragged towards war and bankruptcy and socialism all at once.”
—Republican Senator Robert Taft (OH)1
When it comes to never letting a serious crisis go to waste, Rahm Emanuel’s got nothing on these guys.2 No sooner had the horrific Hamas attack (worthy of a full retaliatory response by Israeli military forces) occurred than the most bellicose of usual suspects weighed in on how to escalate the conflict globally.
Israel is a wealthy and powerful country with nuclear weapons and there is little doubt that it won’t be long before a Gaza border will be a thing of the past.3 Unlike Egypt and Sinai, Hamas has been no honest Arab partner since they disposed of the Palestinian Authority over fifteen years ago.4
That hasn’t stopped Democrat apologists for Hamas in Congress from denying the obvious and demanding an Israeli ‘ceasefire’ while refusing to condemn the terrorist attack.5
But on the other side of the aisle, it’s also provided fresh ammo for what’s left of the Liz Cheney caucus so they can once again pound the drum for America to start a war with Iran. It should come as no surprise that these are the same folks who’ve been so trigger happy in Ukraine.
So naturally, Democrats are linking aid to Israel with Kiev and there’s little doubt the Republican conference will go along. The war in Eastern Europe has already driven the Kremlin into the arms of China; getting America directly involved on a second front in the Middle East would rapidly reunite Russia with Israel’s Arab enemies as well.
And in the process, tilt the world further towards actual Armageddon.6
No matter, Rep. Dan Crenshaw channeled his inner-Woodrow Wilson and called for “the war to end all wars,” without pausing to realize that while WWI ended nothing, it did give birth to a century of war.7
His colleagues Gallager, Waltz, Turner, McCaul, Bacon, Rogers, et al. all sounded like their favorite presidential wannabe, Nikki Haley. The South Carolina stalwart reasoned that since the brutal Hamas strike was actually “an attack on America” by Iran, it’s time “to finish them.”8 She says nothing about Saudi complicity and 9-11.9
Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham was his usual circumspect self—after regime change in Moscow we should bomb Iran’s oil refineries.10 Of course, such an act would lead to a worldwide energy crisis as Tehran would retaliate by putting a chokehold on the Strait of Hormuz, through which about a third of the world’s oil tanker traffic passes daily.11