A while back I saw what was happening to our young people and wrote about it here. I really didn’t think it could get worse, but it has so I wanted to update things a bit and put it in audio form. Now I don’t care whether you’re a Millennial, or a Gen X, Y or Z—you need to hear this and then go out and vote for your own interest for a change. The pursuit of happiness depends on it.
Two chapters in Party Animal, The Truth About President Trump, Power Politics & the Partisan Press have a more in-depth look at how Washington’s been at war with economic opportunity. One, on our dysfunctional health care system and how Trump and 115th Congress came very close to fixing it (were it not for machinations of a Senator or two).
The other on how the disastrous response to COVID wasn’t limited to public health bureaucrats drunk with power. We are living with the inflationary consequences Biden’s budget profligacy now and our children with a massive debt for years. There is a way out, but you must be willing to identify the problem and do something about it.
C’mon kids, it’s your turn.
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