You know you’re over the target when they’re attacking a former member of Congress not running for anything. Who’da thunk it? Yet this week the Biden-Harris HQ let loose on X going after yours truly for my past commentary criticizing Democrat voters for being obsessed with abortion, LGBTQ and transgender issues.
It’s the latest example of the Biden campaign’s desperation given how far the country has fallen in the last few years. But how bankrupt is a campaign that has to run on abortions and puberty blockers when the border is wide open, prices are skyrocketing and crime is out of control?
Nevertheless, there is a constituency that apparently can’t get over any criticism of “non-thinking” rich, white, liberal suburban ladies who watch The View—the ABC talk show that has set more records for retractions and apologies than any other I can think of in broadcast history.1
As I detail in Party Animal, The Truth About President Trump, Powerful Politics & the Partisan Press:
Joy Behar gets fed up with an ex-panel member, threatens to leave if someone doesn’t get this “entitled bitch” under control. And then there was the always charming Ana Navarro. “Bye bye, baby! Karma is a bitch,” she said gleefully to Roger Stone before he was pardoned. I’d quote the rest of the panel, but they finally got suspended.
Of course, the greatest irony over my comments about a “majority of young single women” caring only “about abortion and gay marriage” while watching Whoopi and Joy demonize straight white males is that the candidates they support obviously care most about, wait for it…abortion and LGBTQ issues.
In Minnesota, I ran against two Democrats who literally wore abortion and gay rights on their proverbial sleeve. Tina Smith is so obsessed with doing the bidding of her former employer, Planned Parenthood, that she took to the Senate floor to denounce a bill protecting the unborn in cases of botched abortions.2
Not long ago, Angie Craig, the successor in my old congressional seat, read from a children's book for kindergartners encouraging them to reject biological reality while they explore the wonders of gender transitioning. It was produced by the Human Rights Campaign's Welcoming Schools program run by Craig's wife Cheryl Greene.3
Let’s be clear here, what Minnesota’s Thelma & Louise are really saying is there is no room for disagreement. If you’ve got sincere reservations over late term abortion, gender transitioning and the collapse of traditional families, you’re ’anti-woman.’
I wonder if many young women actually feel as though they’re better off with, say, today’s crime rate, inflation, housing affordability crisis—not to mention the Biden administration’s assault on female sports and Title IX— than they were when Trump and I were in office?
Riley Gaines, a young, single woman, doesn’t think so4
Not that the actual record matters to the media’s identity politics police, but as I recalled in Party Animal, “it was, to say the least, a bit of a head-scratcher as to how these sleuths of sensitivity missed out on far greater transgressions involving Franken, Keillor, Keith Ellison, Hunter Biden, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Chris Mathews, Anthony Weiner, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Toobin and Andrew and Chris Cuomo—all at once?”
Regardless, the Biden-Harris campaign is hoping that regurgitating my old radio tapes that started when a disgraced, never-Trumper did what disgraced never-Trumpers do--attack conservatives. They were then fed, naturally, to the #CNNblackmail folks at the disgraced network—before it let Don Lemon go for, well…disparaging women.5
At some point, I’d say about now, people see this for what it is—another shopworn attempt at identity politics in collusion with the worst elements of political media. Nevertheless, it’s all the echo chambers know and the Biden camp is grasping for straws as the country crumbles.
But hey, thanks for the plug and don’t forget to catch Jason Lewis Live weekdays at 4pm MT/5pm CT/ 6pm ET on