How strangely ironic.
Watching Kamala Harris sycophants in the media lie about Donald Trump’s criticism of Liz Cheney’s pro-war pledge, one can’t help but be reminded of how dispensable British leaders thought their own ground troops were.
“Nowhere have I seen such Lions led by such Lambs,” said one German observer watching thousands of young Brits needlessly sacrificed in trench warfare.1
Trump, of course, was lamenting how the most hawkish of Cheney-esque Republicans aren’t (or weren’t) willing to go to the front lines themselves. Rather, too many would prefer to send others. No matter, the media have run with the bald face lie that Trump threatened Liz anyway…ad infinitum.
The great irony is of all the reasons to vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday, keeping Cheney and her zealots out of power is at the top of the list. Indeed, Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., among others, have been warning Americans about these war hawks ‘waving the bloody shirt’ on their way to nuclear confrontation.
Until now, saner heads prevailed. Even at the height of the Cold War, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan kept the peace. Now that it’s over, Ike’s warning about a ‘military industrial complex’ (which, by the way, also included academia and big business along with enthusiasts at the Pentagon) is all the more pertinent.2
But war is still the ‘health of the state’ and civil liberties are one of the most profound casualties, as I wrote here.