As you can see, today’s topic is straight from Party Animal, The Truth About President Trump, Power Politics & the Partisan Press, but a recap of ‘Who Lost Minnesota’ with Jon Justice the other day is worth driving home.
Hint: the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, AgriGrowth, Milk & Pork Producers have all signed a letter to lawmakers in favor of driver’s licenses for illegals. Combine that with Tim Walz ‘automatic voter registration’ and wa la…it’s Vote-O-Rama time for noncitizens.
The NHL’s Minnesota Wild joins with Children’s Hospital to ‘treat’ gender-diverse kids before they’re old enough to understand what the adults are doing to them. And Mpls-StPaul Magazine loves it.1 Meanwhile, the media and Antifa look at Memphis as an opportunity. Our institutions are corrupt.
You can get a far more detailed look at this and much more in Party Animal and by subscribing to Jason’s Newsletter. Time to see what’s really going on.
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